the years, I've learned that whenever talented and passionate artists gather to
share their skills with an appreciative audience, it invariably turns out
great. And that's true whether or not I am "into" their particular
art form.
not a big fan of bluegrass music. It's not a style of music that immediately
hooks me. But when bluegrass is done right, with talent and passion, "you
can't help responding to its honesty. It's music that finds its way deep into
your soul" (Allison Krauss).
Thursday, Marcie and I returned to Marsh Landing Restaurant in the tiny town of
Fellsmere, Florida, with our dear friends Robb and Deana from Pittsburgh. A
talented assemblage of bluegrass musicians has gathered there every Thursday
evening for the past 14 years for an energetic and entertaining "jam
of the fun is watching the crowd shuffle in. About an hour before the music
begins, a clutch of "groupies" well into their 70s and 80s shows up
to claim the front rows of tables. I imagine they have been holding down the
same seats every Thursday for a long time. They hug and high-five the other
regulars and then get ready for the show. By the time the music starts, the
whole building is bursting at the seams and rocking with anticipation.
professional group called the Penny Creek Band forms the nucleus of the jam
each week. They have great harmony and are seriously talented with the banjo,
fiddle, guitar, and string bass. They are joined by an assortment of locals who
bring their instruments and voices to add to the merriment. Here is a snapshot
of the whole entourage playing "The Possum Song" while decked out in
namesake headgear:
belle of the ball is unquestionably Mary Pounds, the only female in the
line-up. Mary sings lead vocals, plays a string bass much larger than herself,
and "keeps [those] rowdy boys in line." There's no doubt who's in
charge when Mary's in front of the room.
Thursday Mary was upstaged (at least according to the women in the audience) by
a tall, handsome guitar player in his 30s who showed up mid-set and proceeded
to steal the show. When he stepped up to the microphone to sing and let loose
on his guitar, the silver-haired ladies in the room were visibly smitten and
practically swooning. They clapped, whistled, and cat-called like a flock of
fawning pre-teens.
art critic John Ruskin once wrote, "When love and skill work together,
expect a masterpiece." For two hours Mary and her "rowdy boys"
had us laughing and crying; clapping, stomping, and singing along. They brought
an audience - including some rather skeptical audience members - to life. They
created a masterpiece in an unlikely venue.
discovered the joy of watching talented and passionate people share something
they love. We found the magic of old-fashioned, down-home music played from the
heart with consummate skill.
whether or not you "get" bluegrass music, if you're ever in the
vicinity on a Thursday evening, I recommend driving down to Fellsmere for some
good food and soul-satisfying music. It's a treat to listen to artists who have
mastered their craft and who enjoy making other people happy. I promise you'll
be tapping your toes during the show and smiling as you leave.
the drive home, you may find yourself comparing the way you work to the way
they work. You may find yourself asking questions like: Do I do my work
with passion and professionalism? Do I put my whole heart and soul into
what I do? Do I have fun at work? Do I continue to polish my skills and
talents? Do others enjoy being around me as I serve? Could others say of
me, "he does his work with love and skill; from him you can expect a